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Writer's pictureSandy Reynolds

Spring, Mask Mandates and Head Trauma

I want to give you a brief update on my recovery. I met with the neurologist on Friday, and I am healing well. It's up to me to pay attention to the signs of fatigue, headaches and any other symptoms that point to the need for rest. I'm grateful for the excellent news. I have to say I was a little shaken by my fall and its impact on my ability to function.

As I move forward, I hope to walk the fine line between a healthy caution and being fearful of pushing myself when I'm outdoors. I've noticed that we all draw that line in different places. It's been evident the last two years.

As we move out of public masking mandates here in Ontario this week, I know we will see our individual choices highlighted. We will all draw lines in different places. It's okay. Some people will be afraid to be in public and continue wearing masks, social distancing, and hand sanitizing. Those fears are valid.

Other people will be quick to abandon all of the protocols that have been in place. They will also have their reasons and they too will be valid.

We all have different comfort levels and needs during transitions. Some people are eager to move on and put the past behind them. The adversity they faced during the pandemic may have been social isolation and anxiety. Other people may have faced the loss of friends or family members or the direct physical impact of being ill themselves. Their fear of getting physically sick will be greater than their need to remove a mask.

You don't know why people are making the choices they are. It is easy to be quick to make up stories about each other.

I value freedom and tend to see restraints as a threat to my freedom. It doesn't matter if that means wearing a mask or walking on ice. Other people place a high value on security and see masks as a way to provide protection. You have no idea what other people need or have experienced these past two years.

We need to remind ourselves every time we want to judge someone for making a different choice from the one we are making to examine our story about them. It will require some effort. We live in a world where we are being divided into camps all the time in the media. We identify ourselves by our affiliations.

As we move into this next phase of learning to live with Covid-19, how about considering how we can learn to live with differences in general?

The truth is, I needed to remind myself to be less judgemental today. I know how quick I can be in certain situations to jump to conclusions about motivations.

We are officially in Spring here in Ontario. Take a lesson from Mother Nature. It will be back and forth for the next few months before the warmer weather prevails. Remember that transitions are messy. There is progress and regression as we find our way through them. It doesn't matter if it is a change of seasons, the healing of head trauma, or adjusting to life again. It takes time and patience.

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