Book Recommendations
An Important Word About Buying Books
1. I have read every book I recommend on this page.
2. When I look for a book I always begin with my local library. If they have the book and I LOVE it then I will purchase a copy.
3. I frequent thrift shops for used books as well. If I find any on this list I often buy them to gift.
4. If I am able to support a local bookstore I will go that route. I also search a book depository for books on sale.
Many of us have concerns about Amazon and want to support small local businesses.

From Age-ing to Sage-ing:
A Revolutionary Approach to Getting Older
The work I am doing in my Sage-ing Certification Program is largely inspired by the work of Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. This book and the exercises in it will help you to understand how ageing can be a rich and vibrant season of life.
It will become the book you gift your friends on a milestone birthday or retirement.
The Dance of the Dissident Daughter
I have three copies of The Dance of The Dissident Daughter by Sue Monk Kid. One to lend, a hard copy I have marked up and read many times and an ebook version so I always have access to it.
For any woman who has been or is part of the Christian tradition and is waking up to the divine feminine and the role of the patriarchy. Please read it!

On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity & Getting Old
My book club spent six months discussing this book by Parker Palmer. He wrote it at 80. He says, "Age itself is no excuse to wade in the shallows. It's a reason to dive deep and take creative risks.
He models the type of wisdom that comes from reflecting on life and integrating the lessons learned.
Conscious Living, Conscious Aging: embrace & savour your next chapter
One of the first books I purchased when I started to consider what I wanted in the next season of my life.
Author Ron Pevny is the founder and director of the Colorado-based Centre for Conscious Eldering. This book will help you prepare for this next part of your journey.

The Courage to Be Disliked
Until my book is available, I will recommend The Courage To Be Disliked for people-pleasers everywhere. It takes courage to be disliked. We want to be popular. We want to have followers and people who like our posts. This book challenged me to stop making excuses for being stuck in my life. It has sold over 3 million copies.
You are never too old to stop people-pleasing. It could very well make your senior years the best yet!